Saturday, December 31, 2011

Life is like a giant puzzle

Several years ago I came across this quote and I believe it has great insight to inspire all of us as we head into our next New Year.

Life is like a giant puzzle. Though our futures may not be clear or turn out exactly as we expected, each of us has the strength inside to put the puzzle together; we just have to look for the right pieces.

My own life has had many turns that lead me to believe that I am still searching for the right pieces. I am confident that in 2012 I will find some of them and they will fit perfectly. The puzzle itself has not an end in 2012, but definite patterns will emerge and some pieces presented may not fit. I will have to decide if they are needed at all, are to be discarded permanently, or saved for later use in my puzzle.

New Years' resolutions tend to lose their vigor as quickly as they are recited.

In the spirit of well wishes and positive affirmations I say to all of you...

I hope you find the proper pieces and ensure their placement in your own puzzle by utilizing all of your resources and that 2012 is your greatest year yet. No matter what happens, just don't quit! We all deserve nothing less!!

Happy New Year
Light and Love to All!!!

that's The Brick Way...

Friday, December 16, 2011

PTO Day 5: Sometimes Asking is All It Takes

Those of you that have been to my house have all encountered the very vocal dog next door. A few of you, like me, on many occasions jump in fear of him coming right through the fence. He has, in the short time of being there, managed to tear away a couple of fence slats just enough to poke his head through and be even that much more scarier than if he just growled from the other side. Looking at him, you know he wants to get through and tear you to bits.
Last night, at the nudging of a friend, I decided to call my neighbor Gary, the dog owner, and see if we could discuss a solution. He didn't answer so I left a very detailed voicemail.  I mentioned who I was and that I'm sorry we had never met yet. We both have Harleys so I mentioned a possible future ride as well.  I told him that I was nervous sitting out in back when I smoke my cigars, and that I was also concerned that his dog might hurt himself on the damaged fence slats. Gary happens to be a local handyman, at least that is what the sign said on his truck, so I proposed that he might fix the fence between our yards. I even said I was renting and if the repair was and/or the fence was my landlord's that I would get their approval to pay for it. I left my cell number and went to dinner.
During dinner, Gary called back. I was eating so I had to retrieve the message later. In the message Gary left, he simply acknowledged that he got my message. That was all he said.
Today, while I was getting ready to go about my day, I heard some unusual noises coming from my backyard.
When I peered through the mini blinds to see what was going on, I was pleasantly surprised to see that while I was in the shower, Gary had replaced two of the three fence slats and was finishing the third.
Had I not asked, it is difficult to determine whether Gary would have done it at all, or that it would have been after an unfortunate incident for either me or the dog. I'm glad I called.

Sometimes asking is all it takes

that's The Brick Way...

Monday, December 12, 2011

PTO Day One: Positive Thoughts

Take a stand against the negativity that surrounds you. This is not as easy a task as you may think. Many times the negativity is unavoidably in your path, but look for alternate routes. 

One thing, you can and will need to continue to do as you purge, is to remove those FB "friends" that continue to bring negativity to the forefront. Its time we use the social media network for its intended purpose of socializing and not point fingers and complain about everything in our lives. This doesn't mean you shouldn't vent occasionally, but let's stop the bickering and rude comments and instead offer insight and alternatives when a "friend" is venting a frustration.

Focus on the positive people and experiences in life everyday and smile as many times as you can. Each opportunity to frown is another opportunity to decide not to. Each moment of frustration is a chance to discover new strength that will help overcome any obstacle that gets in the way.

And never be ashamed or too proud to apologize when you are wrong! 

I've been wrong plenty this year and I will use this PTO I have to reflect, resolve, and move forward...

that's The Brick Way...

Friday, December 09, 2011

Just NOT Getting It

No matter what people say, it is painfully obvious that they may want to solve an existing issue and they may want to look outside of their normal resources to do it, but when push comes to shove they will ultimately break and return to what they are comfortable with. The problem is that most of the time they will not solve the original issue at all and sometimes they create additional ones in the process.
It is a common thread in the breakdown of communication that continually proves, people are just NOT getting It.

When did it become okay to set a standard and then be the one that not only ignores it of others but be the one to break it as well?
Why do people ask you to do something a certain way and then later want to use that against you?
What will it take before the realization occurs?
How do you make an impact on anything if those that are responsible of supporting you are just NOT getting It?

Of course, maybe I am wrong. Maybe I am the one just NOT getting It. If conformity to mediocrity is what you are after then count me out because I am just NOT getting It!! I won't accept it!

that's the Brick Way...