Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Change Changes Everything

Change impacts so many in so many different ways that sometimes I think we forget to consider what that impact is.

For example: public schools decide to adjust the start time for classes to start in the morning by 30 minutes. This seemingly minor adjustment impacts the entire community even those without children.
First, the bus schedule needs revisions; this means the bus driver's schedule is impacted.
Traffic patterns will be affected and the crossing guards and the traffic light timers and placards will need to reflect this Change. What about the parents? Now their schedule is impacted because this could mean a later start time to their job. And what does that do to the employer and their production? If I wanted to carry this out, I could show you how Everyone is impacted by adjusting the start time of public school by 30 minutes. Hopefully, you get the idea.

This concept applies to any Change of any kind.

Above all else, make sure that the Change is well communicated and whenever possible in advance of the Change taking place.
Consider my example above.
What would happen if that 30 minute adjustment was announced on the first day of school?
What about during class registrations?
During the Summer, the schools publicized the Change through local media?
Yes, that would be fantastic. That would give everyone the opportunity to prepare for the upcoming Change.

We are experiencing a lot of changes at work right now. Some are minor with minimal impact on a few while others are major and could potentially create Chaos if not properly communicated.

Did I give you reason to change your way of thinking about Change itself? Will you communicate it in advance? As I conclude, ponder what impact Change you create will have and what impact Change you experience will have. Either way, one thing is certain, Change changes everything!

that's The Brick Way

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Three Years in the Books

Wow! Tomorrow will mark three years that I have been a member of Field Force Development (FFD). When I took this position with Aflac three years ago, I really didn't know what to expect. I knew a few of the employees from various functions and training classes I attended. I knew it was the best place for me to continue my learning process and get deeper involved with helping people on a larger scale.
In three years I have learned a vast amount of material about our business, about the industry, and about the varied cultures and climates spread across the country. (Climate is not a reference to weather patterns).

Of course Columbus isn't great to me just because of my job. My personal life has gained by meeting Laura. Not only is she beautiful and smart, but she also makes sure (literally) that when it is time to travel I will have the right room and transportation as needed.

I have been fortunate enough to meet some great people all over the country and have been able to partner with the Aflac Elite since moving to Columbus. FFD is a very large complex family. We have relatives spread all over the country and we constantly adopt more as some find their way out of the nest. I have had the personal satisfaction as recent as yesterday knowing what I share with the field has value, is appreciated, and can impact lives. It is a huge responsibility I take very seriously. I am excited every time I schedule my next opportunity to execute and deliver. FFD is taking on more members and although not all the roles have been clearly defined yet, I am thrilled to see what FFD, Aflac, and the Universe have lined up for me!

Just one more thing before I go...

Passengers will congregate in front of a TSA closed gate as much as one hour before a scheduled flight and TSA doesn't open and start the screening process sometimes until as late as 30 minutes prior to departure.

Happy Tripp Anniversary to Me with FFD!

that's The Brick Way...

Saturday, August 20, 2011

First official entry

So I am sitting at home, that alone is most unusual with all the traveling work has had for me this summer, and I am racking my brain for just the right way to kick this off. A newbie at this blog thing, I am not sure yet how to add pics or how to invite readers for that matter. So this first entry is really just a test to see what I can figure out on my own...
Hmmm. If this works I may have the first part figured out quicker than I thought...


I will weave the past into my entries as they are appropriate to the topic I write about as I attempt to share the goings on no less than once a week.

I will include photos as much as possible and should the urge come over me to shoot video for something I may include that here as well.

And that's The Brick Way...