For example: public schools decide to adjust the start time for classes to start in the morning by 30 minutes. This seemingly minor adjustment impacts the entire community even those without children.
First, the bus schedule needs revisions; this means the bus driver's schedule is impacted.
Traffic patterns will be affected and the crossing guards and the traffic light timers and placards will need to reflect this Change. What about the parents? Now their schedule is impacted because this could mean a later start time to their job. And what does that do to the employer and their production? If I wanted to carry this out, I could show you how Everyone is impacted by adjusting the start time of public school by 30 minutes. Hopefully, you get the idea.
This concept applies to any Change of any kind.
Above all else, make sure that the Change is well communicated and whenever possible in advance of the Change taking place.
Consider my example above.
What would happen if that 30 minute adjustment was announced on the first day of school?
What about during class registrations?
During the Summer, the schools publicized the Change through local media?
Yes, that would be fantastic. That would give everyone the opportunity to prepare for the upcoming Change.
We are experiencing a lot of changes at work right now. Some are minor with minimal impact on a few while others are major and could potentially create Chaos if not properly communicated.
Did I give you reason to change your way of thinking about Change itself? Will you communicate it in advance? As I conclude, ponder what impact Change you create will have and what impact Change you experience will have. Either way, one thing is certain, Change changes everything!
that's The Brick Way